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Public Speaking Crash Course (1.5 Hour): to go from average professional to highly demanded (global!) paid public speaker. Step-by-Step explainer video + 10 necessary templates for writing speaker press kit, bio, testimonial form, speaker intake form, and more. Follow the proven method of an award-winning highly paid global public speaker!!!

Order Summary
Dynamically Updated
Here's What You'll Get:
  • Join the Private FB Community
  • Increase your Confidence Levels
  • Build an Influential Network
  • Promote Yourself to the Top
  • Develop Executive Presence
  • Negotiate the Value You Desere
  • BOSS Program (Barriers to Women's Leadership, Introduction to a Growth Mindset, Strategy 101, Productivity Hacks to Reach Goals Faster)
  • BONUS Module: Setting Boundaries
  • Optional Weekend Exercises (Self-Care & Creating a Vision Board)
  • Updated Templates, Worksheets & Lessons regularly
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This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. Facebook™ is a trademark of Facebook™ Inc. There is no guarantee that growth will occur in 30 days. Results vary because of many factors, including the action taken by the person taking the challenge and or course. All testimonials are based on actual client results and are not promised. Your results fully depend on your action and dedication to implementing the tools provided to you during your membership experience.
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